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八幡平遭難対策委員会-Hachimantai Incident Management Committee


The Hachimantai Incident Management Committee works to prevent mountain climbing accidents in the Hachimantai area, and carries out rescue operations when incidents do occur.

捜索救助隊 Search and rescue team


・捜索隊員1人1日当たり 25,000円~30,000円
・雪上車利用1台1日当たり 190,000円~

In the event of a mountain climbing accident, we will perform a search and rescue operation at the request of the individual concerned or their family. However, the expenses related to such search and rescue operations shall be borne by the individual themself or their family.
The amount of expenses related to search and rescue operations are as follows:

・25,000 yen to 30,000 yen per search party member per day
・Actual cost of food, etc.
・Starting from 190,000 yen per snow tractor per day